Take a ride on the Night Train Express!

How much night train is too much night train? This has to be the question you ask yourself before any night train consumption begins. Make sure you know your limits before taking a ride on the night train express, otherwise you might end up having to let some passengers off.

Looks innocent enough, right?

If you are not careful, the night train express can be very dangerous. At first look it seems to be all sweet and innocent, but once you have that first taste you will be in for one wild ride. One sip will get you going, and once the sugar starts flowing through your veins, it's time to get the party started! The video below is a prime example of what can happen when you punch your ticket for a ride on the night train express.


The night train express is a 0 to 55 trip to nowhere fast. Make sure that if you pick up a little 350ml bottle of night train express...that's probably doing to be enough to drink for one night. If you try to refill that bad boy, things are not going to turn out well. You never know what is going to happen after you take that first sip of the night train express. You could end up running up and down the hallways of the hotel thinking you're the Ultimate Warrior. Next thing you know you will either be laying passed out on a bed in Atlantic City, or find yourself knocking over a garbage can and passing out on the back deck.

I have to let some passengers off.
I fucked up.

There is a CPU monitor hanging out there somewhere.
If one thing always holds true, the night train express is a guaranteed good time. Sure, it might taste like gasoline, but isn't that the point of bum wine? If I wanted to go spend $10 for one of those fancy beers I would go do that, but for $4.00 it will get your drunk!

Bum Wine Birthday!
One of the next blog entries this weekend is going to feature everyone's favorite bum wine birthday!

That's what I like to hear!
I welcome any comments and suggestions that you readers might have. What has happened to you when you took a ride on the night train express? Let us know!

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