Night Train Express

Your bags have been packed, tickets have been punched, and now you are ready to take a ride on the Night Train Express!

For myself this was the bum wine that started it all. From the first time I heard the song Nightrain by Guns N' Roses, I knew that I had to give this fine wine a try. Upon first taste I could feel the rush come over me. I don't know if it was the massive amounts of sugar and sulfites, but it was time to take a ride on the train!

All aboard!

The perfect celebration wine.

Any time that you have a gathering that involves the night train express, you know that you are ready for a good time. Do yourself a favor and pick yourself up a case of this bad boy so you are ready to go at all times. This wine can be enjoyed year round: winter, spring, summer, fall. It's all good. I've sat around the fire drinking some night train and I've sat out on the deck in the middle of summer enjoying a glass. Simply delicious!

Perfect to take on the road!

Some people are not fans of the taste saying that it is too sugary and tastes like gasoline. Now this may be true, but i have a solution for you! "Sprite Train" and "Night Mist" are both worthy substitutes for someone who wants to take a ride on the train, but does not want to end their night early having to let some passengers off.

Night Mist anyone?

The Night Train Express is what we call "old reliable". If you are looking for a quick pick me up, there is no need to look any further. 

A great gift idea for that special someone!

All aboard!

Need more bum wine in your life? Tune in and listen to Bumming with Bobcat on all your favorite podcast apps! Cheers!


  1. damn! now I wanna try it even more! where can I get some outside of the USA???!?!?!!? and I want that t-shirt!

  2. ...sooo where can we buy that shirt?

    1. You can buy the shirt on eBay.

    2. I just ordered 2 of them...thanks!

  3. I had a very memorable Nighttrain experience my freshman year of college. It included a poster of Izzy given to me as a Christmas gift from my fraternity brothers. The night ended with me singing, "I'm on the nighttrain and they burned my poster."

  4. Better believe ive had good times on the Night Train. Now that's making me want to try and get a bottle tomorrow

  5. Where can I get night train in the uk?

    1. Sadly...Night Train has been get out and get searching for any bottles that might be left!

    2. Poopcoksmeg if you really do, are you willing to sell one?

  6. Anyone have any or know where to get some. I really need to get some bottles and will pay top dollar!

    1. Did you ever find? I need one desperately for a family reunion.

  7. Night Train's pulling out of Hamsterdam's Camden Station at 02:30.

  8. You use a glass?😂

  9. does it come with it's own paper bag?
