Malt Beverage Of The Week - Four Loko Sour Apple

There was a major media blitz created when back in February Four Loko announced there would be a BRAND NEW 14% flavor hitting the market. Speculation ran rampant as what the new flavor could be. Four Loko Sour Milk? Four Loko Sour Horchata?  The possibilities were endless! It was finally announced on February 27 that Sour Apple would be the newest flavor to join the Four Loko brand of malt beverages. It took a few months for them to get in stock in my area, but I finally got my hands on a can of Four Loko Sour Apple to name it as the BWB Malt Beverage Of The Week!

After popping the top on the can you can smell the fake sour green apple flavor right away and the first sip is a doozy. It definitely tastes like sour apple that's for sure, but the aftertaste is a little funky. It's a little rough to put down at first, but it does get better as you drink more. The 14% alcohol does help. Oh, and you definitely do not want to take a sip and have it go down the wrong pipe. Coughing this stuff up is not fun, so I can just imagine what it would be like throwing up Four Loko Sour Apple after a long night of drinking.

4 and 3/4 servings per container? HA! Good luck with that!

As I have said many times in the past, Four Loko is a good way to start off your night, but I would not go much further than one can Of Four Loko unless you want to feel like shit the next day. It does taste better than Green Apple Cisco, but really that isn't saying much since there are many things that I would rather drink and also taste better than Green Apple Cisco.

In the end Four Loko Sour Apple is a Four Loko, so you know what to expect. It will get the job done and get you drunk without needing to taste amazing. If you can find a can of Four Loko Sour Apple in your local liquor store go grab a can and tell them that Bum Wine Bob sent you. Who knows...maybe you will even get it a discount off the $2.79 retail price!

Four Loko Sour Apple is the BWB Malt Beverage Of The Week!

Are you ready to get LOKO for the Summer? Tune in LIVE this Sunday at 11pm ET to Bumming with Bobcat where I will be getting you pumped up and prepared for the official start of summer 2016 that is just over a week away! Cheers!

Listen to "Get LOKO for the Summer" on Spreaker.


  1. First off, fuck Drink Four for being a bunch of pussies. They really should be ashamed for rolling-over and taking it up the ass from the Feds. Secondly, this flavor is garbage. Extremely sour and not at all balanced. The original owners of this brand should be subjected to ISIS for being such a bunch of pussies.

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