The Krude Experience - Prophylaxis Maximus

Prophylaxis Maximus

Fucking is fun. No question about it

Times like these lend credence to an old axiom often used in the grips of sexual passion: fuck me. Easy to understand. Easier to happily oblige to. But when Krude really thinks about society at large,no other phrase sums up the human experience in 2020 more than Fuck Me. Problem is, most peeps don't even know why they readily receive the dry rub hard way lay. Willfully grabbing your ankles isn't a way to live. Unless bedding down for decades in a medium security US prison is your bag. Close your eyes and hope for best!  

White flags. False flags. Red flags. Nothing good ever comes from flags that are meant to guide or determine fact as a fabric talisman. Yet in the world today, We are being undermined by the few remaining mass media outlets to think EVERYTHING has the potential to kill us. Fear dying. Stay alive. Pay your taxes...

Movie villains from yesteryear were the only movie characters to wear a mask to conceal their identities. Life currently for many is a masky, carbon dioxide huffing practice,10 hours a day. As per local ordinances. For people who read eyes as the gateway to the soul, masks don't matter. Facial recognition technology has taken the most major hit in this wretched year. Cops have to be real flat foots now.

Imagine a time when any health related affliction could be dealt with in a timely and cost effective manner. That 'time' wasn't so long ago. I was alive during it in the 1970's. Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine living during a time when human contact,in any form, has the distinct possibility of causing the death of another human being. Fucking is fun. And dying ain't much of a living. The choice is yours.

When Trojan or Life Styles brand of condom develop a full body,all cavity encompassing rubber, where do you think the reservoir tip should go? This will be a question somebody who pulls strings will have to answer eventually. Welcome to Now

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