Indie Wrestling Spotlight: Monster Factory - Arena EP1


The Monster Factory is a professional wrestling school located in Paulsboro, New Jersey owned and operated by Danny Cage. 

Cage is overseeing the project but wants viewers to know that talent is doing the work.

"I'm overseeing the project, but they are doing all the recording, editing, commentary, music ... everything." Cage said, via twitter DM.

Each match had a different commentary team which was really fun to kind of compare how commentary effected the flow and feel of the match.  


First match- Bobby Buffet & Cheech
Second match - Dr. Karl Martin & Royal Money
Third Match - Ryan Oliver Flynn & Chocolate Man

"I'm writing (the show," Cage continued. "These will be used as our weekly tv shows to supplement our bigger live shows."

I've been following Cage for a bit now, on twitter and wanted to showcase Monster Factory some how - and then, like serendipity, MF posted about the new show Arena and I was like ... yeah, fuck yeah, i'm gonna recap this.

But HOW do you recap a show that is essentially men and women, for the most part, learning their craft on the fly? Easy - the same way you'd recap a independent show of any nature - with respect and the understanding that this is an art and all art is subjective to the consumer.

One thing that I will say is, how fucking cool is it that we can watch these athletes from the beginning. We get to watch and build our own narrative of who we think is going to be the next big star.

It's like watching American Idol without the shitty fucking music. 

One complaint - they didn't put name graphics up for each wrestler; yes, each wrestler introduced themselves to the viewer, I missed the names a few times and had to go back a couple times. 

Maybe I'm just a lazy fuck, but this was kind of annoying. 

Sound on the show was on point.

Westfield Kelly v. Travis Jacobs 

Jacobs comes out wearing street clothes, Kelly in traditional fare. Jacobs seems almost blasé' in regards to the match. He's also got a man bun, so he's clearly the heel here, yeah?

Wait, we just called Jacobs a different name I think - the announcers are fun, very lively but pacing is a bit off on the commentary. But I love the passion so far - they aren't boring.

Nice camera work on the submission as well as Jacobs pulls of the win.

Middleweight Medallion Match: Daniel Alexander v. Marvelous (c)

Alexander comes out with some piss and vinegar looking for a party bowl; Marvelous comes out with the medallion - and looks very focused on this match. 

Going into this show, I have no idea of who any of these talents are, which is a really fun way to watch ... i have no idea what the fuck to expect. 

Holy shit - I can see why Marvelous is the champ; solid movement in the ring and those chops were PAIN. But Alexander very solid as well - both seem like they've seen some ample ring time. Marvelous is very energetic, very charismatic.

Alexander has the size advantage, but isn't capitalizing on it enough. 

Announcers are just being themselves, enjoying the match - it's a lot more organic discussion then the previous commentary, which made it a lot of fun to watch this match.

Honestly, Dr. Karl Martin is really fucking good on the mic - he can't be training. 

Listen ... this was a really fucking entertaining match. Marvelous barely held onto the Medallion .. and Alexander was NOT pleased.

Cuts a very angry promo, frustrated that he keeps losing to Marvelous. He promises this is the last time he'll lose.

Bobby Buffet v. Goldy - MF Champion

Goldy comes out and someone needs to turn down the lighting ... this guy is almost whiter than Sheamus. I kid, I kid. Buffet is ... well, a big dude. And he's smiling at Goldy like he's not ate for a bit and Goldy lookin' like a snack. 

Buffet is pretty quick for his size - holy fuck. Hit's a crossbody on casper, er, Goldy and I stood up and took fucking notice. 

Goldy's makin a strong comeback - showing that champion heart. Goldy went for a DDT using the ropes but Buffet used his size and pulled Goldy away and then slammed him, fuck man. 

I'm team Bobby fuckin Buffet. 

Buffet caught Goldy off the ropes like he was a sack of potatoes, but Goldy gets the advantage back as Buffet seems to have tired a bit. Goldy focusing on the big mans legs .. it goes back and forth, but you can tell Bobby is sucking air - Goldy returns to the DDT off the ropes, still doesn't work. Pride getting in the way of Goldy's best intentions.

Oh shit, Goldy accidently kicks the ref. 

Golden Era hits the ring - I'm assuming these are friends of Goldy based on the name. 

An unfortunate end to a really good match.

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