The Krude Experience - Truth Be Told….. and sold

Truth Be Told….. and sold

Ever get the feeling like your being had? Or scammed? Or lied to? Krüde knows the feeling of when I’m being taken. And it ain’t fun. People generally are decent humans. But there is a small percentage of homo sapiens on Earth who live to grift. What gets under my very thick skin is when liars work their asses off to bully their lies into truth. Whew. Can’t believe I feel compelled to write about scumbags. Here goes….

AEW pro wrestling company is a prime example of trying to bully nonsense into reality. The people in charge there are trying to redefine pro wrestling from what it has been since…. forever. Just to cater to their weak, amateurish  style of wrestling. Nope. I won’t watch anymore. A pro wrestling show is about telling believable, cohesive stories using physicality as the tool. AEW programming contains none of these qualities. Fuck them. Let’s not forget our old buddies at the NFL. Those creeps (Roger Goodell, creep #1) sandbagged concussion research so that bad publicity wouldn’t chase away big money $ponsors. And forced their bs down the throats of the world. For fucks sake…

Bullies are small minded punks. Usually with a little extra muscle on their frames. Since I was always the biggest kid during my grade school days, I wasn’t picked on much. Bullies often used lies against their marks to justify their actions. Most corporate business acumens adhere to this theology. Learn the definition to the word serf. That’s what the corporate world thinks of you. Step back and observe…

These days there are too many people afraid to tell the truth about somebody or something. I cry foul. That is bullshit in itself. Truth is truth and that is undeniable. Why be reserved with your truthful outlook? If somebody is awful, call them out. If something doesn’t seem on the level, call it out. You have a voice, use it

Whatever happened to handshake deals and keeping your word?

Times have changed……

follow the $ trail….


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