Bum Wine Bob guest, MD 20/20 Spiked review, Utp#328
Bum Wine Bob returns to the broadcast for an emergency tasting. Thanks to the Street team, we were able to get ahold of MD 20/20 Spiked. Listen to this review to know what to expect from this new offering from the bottom shelf legend.
Watch the clip below!
Topics include: MD 20/20 Spiked, Crack Room Man from Texas, Street Cream, the hood, shady carryouts, test market, DVD rentals, red grape wine, first new flavor in four years, pineapple gold, shot glasses, wine tasting, bottle design, sweet, Stella Rosa, The Grocery Gamblers, Martha Stewart 19 Crimes wine, Southern sweet tea, collecting bottles, chat room, Hard Mountain Dew, produce quarantine, Electric Melon, hangovers from certain drinks, reviews, watermelon flavored drinks, Battle of the Booze Tournament
Watch the livestream video version of Uncle (the broadcast) below!
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MD 20/20 SPIKED is HERE and the Sour Sixteen in the 2024 bWb battle of the booze tournament are set! What’s the verdict on the new flavor? Who advanced in the tournament? All that and MORE featured on this weeks episode! Make sure to subscribe on your favorite podcast apps to get the latest episodes! Tell your friends to check us out, grab a drink, and give the podcast a listen. Just press that play button on Premier Podcast Network! Cheers!