Dark Matter Matter
Waking up with the house on fire is one way to put it…
Krüde lives to live to see another slab of something
I’ve never seen before. Roam the land to seize its interesting scenes. Lessons
learned are right lobed wisdom for future reference. A good day for me is to feel
peripherally free. Unfettered to the throbbing core. More. More. More. Enough is
when demise steals life
Weather doesn’t make life better. Wetter is more like it.
Heat is sweet when love is complete. Conflict causes intense internal chaos. A
tornado of defense mechanisms for the soul
Vision is clear when connecting with peers. A gratification
taken for granted. The Earth spins on ethereal timing. For the Gods. And the sods.
Though who switch gears
Damn. Mind riot prose can be good for mental upkeep. These
weird times dictate the necessity for a casual brain cleanse. Bourbon is the
quicker likker picker upper. Money is tight. Choosing a proper booze comes down
to pocket change or a friend’s liquor cabinet. All good in the end ….
Writing while cranky explains a ton about Krüde. Chronic
strain takes its daily toll. I get by. By a thread. Mahalo
Dim the lights…