Hot holy damn! Has it
really been ten years
since I put pen to paper (really fingers to Blackberry) writing the Krüde
Experience blog? I think so. I’m not good with actual dates (better with knowing
my lady friends by hair color and sexual preferences). Krüde being Krüde
is who and what I am. Doesn’t matter if most people don’t read written
words anymore. Doesn’t matter if I don’t write anything for months
at a time. I just keep on keeping on. Holding my head proudly above water. Eating. Drinking. Shitting. Pissing. And hustling
for cash is my current play. If that ain’t your play, it should be. Hustle is
everything. Stay on your toes. Never fall back on your heels. Always say please
and thank you. And stay respectful to everything until you have reason
not to be. Sounds like a plan, huh? To each his (or her) own. Be real. Try to stay out of jail while being
So from the first Krüde Experience blog describing a Motley Crue concert to the current blog about being inspired by Mister Rogers, life goes on. 10 years is a long span of time. It goes by in a flash, if you’re not paying attention enough. Slap your loved ones on the ass and be happy to wake up every day. Cheers!
@kapn_krude – X