Love Letters From Tiffany .... Kasey Catal


One thing that I am a huge fan of is INTERGENDER matches. I know that there is a
lot of mixed feelings when it comes to this type of match. Personally I only talk about the things that bring me joy. My opinion, and it may not be the most popular opinion on social media, I have a hard time believing a woman could beat a man in real life, personally.

My love letter this week is to Kasey Catal.

For those who don’t know, Kasey was trained at Create A Pro in 2016 and made her
debut in 2017. She has held the Empower championship belt and WSU Tag Team
belt as well. Along the way, she's had the opportunity to step into the ring with a who's who in professional wrestling, names like Kris Statlander, Penelope Ford, and Tenille Dashwood.

My first memory of seeing Catal was during her intergender match with Jimmy Lloyd at CZW's Night of Infamy 2019. I fell in love with her almost instantly. I mean, this girl came out wearing a crop top skirt into a death match where the ring ropes were barbed wire! I've watched my share of death match wrestling, but even I cringed at this!

It was truly a work of art - the only thing I'm really mad at is, I was relegated to watching it on Fite TV instead of being there live as I had prior obligations. She went through so much in this match, barbed wire, glass - hell, exploding barbed wire ropes. She was such a bad ass that night, I can't even imagine attempting such a match, let alone wrestling in one.

One of my all-time favorite matches of Kasey's is easily her match with Joey Silver & Charles Mason at Synergy Wrestling's Tomorrow Comes Today. All three competitors are some of my favorite wrestlers in the business. Catal was throwing some major elbows in this one, but the highlight of the match was her hitting the Canadian Destroyer on Mason for the victory.

I started a tradition of throwing streamers during Kasey's matches at another Synergy show, For The First Responders. Someone at the show asked me why I was throwing streamers for Kasey, and i was like "WHY NOT," ... Catal had a lot of fun with it, as she danced with it in the ring - That was enough for it to become tradition for me! I mean, if you've never been to a show with me, be warned, I am a handful - ask Rob, from the Bob Culture Podcast.

Now, to get girly for a minute - I'm always looking at the gear, the make up, the hair, you know, everything, and let me tell you: Catal is always on point. Maybe i'm biased when i say this, because we've become friends - true friends, not just because she's a wrestler; it's a genuine, heartfelt friendship - but this girl is on the rise and you'd be foolish not to check her out next time she's in your area.

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