Indie Wrestling Wire: Indie Spotlight - Basic Becca

Indie Spotlight by Don Halliwell

During 2020 Limitless Wrestling had some of the best weekly wrestling of any independent promotion.  During that time, they introduced us to a lot of new wrestlers that I have really come to love.  One of those wrestlers is Becca.  She debuted at Pandemic at the Dojo as Basic Becca, but she is not basic anymore.  Since her debut against one half of the Maine State Posse, Aiden Aggro, she has gone on to face Anthony Greene, who can currently be seen in the WWE, Alec Price, Love Doug, Ashley Vox and most recently defeated Paris Van Dale in a very exciting matchup between 2 of the top female rookies in Limitless.  I was able to ask Becca a few questions about her time at Limitless and what lies ahead for her in 2021.

Don: You have some very creative moves.  The acrobatic slap is definitely a signature move, and I think your version of the Muta Lock is really impressive.  Can you tell us about your training and how some of these moves came to be?

Becca: I started training in the spring of 2019. Before I started training I loved watching Emma do the muta lock as the Emma Lock. It's a beautiful submission, so that was something I just always wanted to do! I started doing the back handspring slap because I thought it was funny - I think I was messing around after class one day doing back flips and it just kind of happened. I love the sass and attitude that the move gives off and it always gets a reaction from a crowd. Plus it irritates my opponent which can be very amusing. I think a lot of my moves come from me just being myself. 

Don: Where did your love for scrunchies come from, what is your favorite scrunchie, and do you have a special, lucky one that you wear for matches?

Becca: I started wearing them when I began lifting a couple years ago. They gave me strength and courage in the gym, especially when I first started and was learning in an environment that can be intimidating. Scrunchies are just so cute. I own sooo many scrunchies, and I don't have one favorite, but I have favorites for different occasions. I have a really soft giant purple scrunchie that is the most comfortable for lounging after a long day. I have a really tight orange one that gets me pumped up for a tough leg day. I have a shiny pink one that I love wearing for matches - It's bright, fun, and gives me poise in the ring! 

Don: You have had some matches against big-name opponents, like Aiden Aggro, Anthony Greene, and Ashley Vox.  What have you learned in your matches against these stars?

Becca: Aiden Aggro was my first singles match at Limitless Dojo and I couldn't have asked for a better opponent. The match was so fun and gave me a lot of confidence. It was also pre-scrunchie craze, so I really want a rematch with Aggro to try to get him in the Scrunchie Squad. In fact I'm trying to get MSP all in the squad. MSP = Maine Scrunchie Posse?! 

My match with Anthony Greene pushed me more in the ring than any other match I had had at the time. That match taught me a lot about how to be creative in the ring, like coming up with unique counters and maneuvers against my opponents. I view that match as a significant moment in my wrestling career. 

I love my match with Ashley Vox! We were both familiar with each other's work before the match, so I think it made the match really exciting. She's a great opponent, I really hope I get to wrestle her again. She has a ton of experience and creativity that I learn from every time I'm in the ring with her. 

I feel very fortunate to have had the chance to work with all three of these wrestlers, and I'm very grateful to Randy and Limitless Wrestling for giving me the opportunity to work with them. I also want to shoutout Davienne as a wrestler I have learned so much from in the past year. 

Don: I have only seen you wrestle at the no crowd shows, did you have matches in front of crowds before the pandemic and what is it going to be like for you in that first match when crowds come back?

Becca: I debuted not long before the pandemic, so I only had the chance to wrestle in front of crowds a few times. I love the atmosphere that a live crowd provides. It's totally exhilarating and addicting. Interacting with fans is so fun, and part of what makes wrestling so special. I'm so grateful to be able to wrestle during the pandemic on taped shows, but I'm very much looking forward to being in front of a live crowd again!

Don: The Road has been one of my favorite shows the past few months and you were at all of the tapings.  What has been your favorite match that you were not part of?

Becca: I really loved Sea Stars vs Higher Society. An action packed match. Ashley Vox gets body slammed onto a stack of chairs. What's not to love?  

Don: It seems like the character of Becca has evolved since I first saw you at Pandemic at the Dojo, do you see yourself continuing to evolve and what is in store for Becca in 2021?

Becca: Every match I feel myself evolving. Over the past year as my confidence has grown so has my sense of who I am. I feel myself getting bolder, louder, and more eccentric. Possibly more deranged. My scrunchie obsession grows every day. I'm not sure how to handle it. 

In 2021 I want to wrestle outside of New England. There's so much great talent around the world I want to wrestle. And I want to recruit everyone to the Scrunchie Squad. 

Don: Is there anything else that you would like us to know or that we would be surprised to know about you?

Becca: I love to lift heavy. I have an addiction to Fairlife milk. Along with collecting scrunchies I also collect cassette and VHS tapes. Any other tape heads out there?! Fairlife addicts?!?! Join the Scrunchie Squad! 

Watch The Road every Wednesday 7pm on IWTV, Chaotic Reloaded every Thursday at 8pm on! And follow me on insta @itsbabykarate & twitter @notbasicbecca !

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