Indie Wrestling Wire: Limitless Wrestling presents The Road - Episode 15 Recap

Limitless Wrestling presents The Road - Episode 15 Recap by Don Halliwell


M.A.D   (Rip Byson and Perry Von Vicious)  vs Apostles of Chaos (Chris Benne and Logan Black) in a tag team street fight

All 4 wrestlers go after each other as the bell rings.  M.A.D. gets the advantage early with Rip throwing Benne to PVV who gives him a suplex.  All 4 are now fighting on the floor.  There is chaos all around the ring until PVV grabs some chairs and all 4 sit down for a good old fashioned bar fight.  Once they finish exchanging strikes, they go after each other with the chairs and AOC takes control.  M.A.D. are both seated on chairs by AOC and they go for a running start but both members of M.A.D. catch them coming in.  M.A.D.  gives AOC the seats and they are the ones that are able to hit running boots.  As Benne is on the floor, Rip grabs the ring bell and rings it on Benne’s crotch.  Rip then grabs Black off of PVV and flattens him with a suplex on the floor.  PVV goes for a suplex on the other side, but Benne stops him, and choke slams him on the ring apron.  Benne and Rip meet in the middle of the ring and Rip hits a spinebuster, but Black comes in and drops him with a falcon arrow.   Black then hits PVV with an elbow and appears to go for a falcon arrow on him, but PPV counters with a power bomb.  Benne takes out PPV with a huge spear and everyone is down.   Rip and Black are the first ones up.  Black brings some chairs in the ring, but Rip puts the chair into Black’s gut.  He goes to hit Black again, but Bene grabs the chair and AOC team up on Rip and give him a choke bomb through 2 chairs.  PVV breaks up the pin attempt and goes after both members of AOC, but they have the numbers and hit him with a double choke slam.  AOC gets Rip up but PVV grabs him and uses him as a weapon.  Both members of M.A.D. hit big boots on Benne and PVV throws Black into Rip’s knees and M.A.D. gets the win.  This was a great brawl that could have gone either way.  

Travis Huckabee (with Leary) vs Ashley Vox 

They start the match by exchanging holds.  Travis gets the advantage whenever they lock arms as he pulls her arm back and slams it into the mat.  That just angered Vox, as she gets up with a fire in her eyes and they exchange forearms in the middle of the ring.  Vox hits a super kick then goes for the Reel Catch, but Travis goes to the outside of the ring.  Vox goes after him and Travis runs back in the ring.  As Vox goes back in the ring, she gets tripped up by Leary.  Travis takes advantage of this by giving her a gutwrentch throw.  Vox goes for a senton but misses and Travis drives his boot into her head.  They exchange strikes again and Travis returns to working on Vox’s arm.  As he has Vox locked in, he decides to flip her off, so Vox takes this opportunity to bite his finger and get out of the hold.   They both hit each other with huge headbutts and crash to the mat.   Travis goes for the Vox’s arm, but she locks in the Reel Catch and hits him with a superkick.  She throws Travis to the floor and flies at him with a suicide dive.  When they get back in the ring, she hits multiple forearms, but Travis catches a kick attempt and hits a swinging neck breaker.  He throws Vox into the ropes, but she hits a satellite DDT.  Vox locks in the Reel Catch, but Travis reverses it with a swinging stretch muffler.  He then locks it in on the mat, hooks in his legs so she cannot escape, and Vox is forced to tap out.  Ashley put up quite a fight, but this may have been the best and most tenacious that I have seen Travis.  He always has new submissions or different versions of moves and is one of the top technicians in wrestling today.

Alec Price vs Davienne 

They start by exchanging words and Price gets fired up, giving Davienne the opportunity to jump all over him.  She is really laying into him and we are maybe a minute into the match and Price’s chest is already red from her chops.  Price is able to sweep Davienne’s legs out from under her and hits a double stomp for a two count.  Price goes for a chop in the corner and misses, which gives Davienne  the opening to hit multiple forearms, however she misses the last one and Price takes control.   He gets her to the mat and hits an elbow to her back.  Price hits an Ace Crusher and tuns it into a submission choke hold, but Davienne gets out of it and tosses Price over her head into the corner.   They are both down on the mat and start exchanging forearms on their knees and then keep striking each other when they reach their feet.  Davienne finishes this exchange with a suplex sending Price out of the ring.  She then gives him a DDT as he is coming into the ring.  Price avoids Davienne’s first attempt at a chokeslam, but she hits her second attempt and then hits the Davi End Your life, but Price is able to kick out!!!   I CAN’T BELIVE HE KICKED OUT; THIS KID IS TOUGH.  Davienne goes for another choke slam, but Price is able to avoid it. He then turns around and hits her with a boot to the face and a surprise kick for the win.  Price always seems to take a beating and still come back and hits that surprise kick in the end for the win.  This kid might be almost as good as he thinks he is.  

Dangerkid Vs Tyree Taylor

Taylor has the obvious size advantage but Dangerkid has the experience advantage.  DK tries to run at Taylor, but Taylor hits a shoulder block and DK goes to the mat.  DK tries to get Taylor up to no avail.  He then goes for a crossbody and Taylor catches him, then hits DK with a huge dropkick.  DK is able to use his experience and catches Taylor off guard and hits multiple kicks.  He then uses his speed to avoid Taylor and hits a step up senton.  DK goes for a dive and Taylor catches him, but DK throws Taylor into the ring post and he is able to hit second attempt at the dive.  DK throws Taylor back in the ring, but Taylor hits him with a Falcon Arrow.  He then focuses on DK’s midsection by laying in headbutts and kicks to it.  DK tries to chop Taylor but is not able to match Taylor’s strength.  Taylor goes back to focusing on DK’s midsection, as he locks in a claw.   He gets a 2 count and gives DK a headbutt as he tries to get up.  DK is able to land a superkick followed by a running boot in the corner, and a running knee.    He goes to the top rope, but Taylor kicks him.  DK still tries to come off the ropes, but Taylor catches him and hits a uranage for a near fall.  Taylor looks to put DK away, but The Hive comes out to the ring.  They get in the ring and tell Taylor to leave.   Nick Stapp and Kirby Wackerman come out to try to even the numbers.  Taylor thinks about leaving but joins the fight against The Hive.  Callux and Taylor go face to face in the middle of the ring, as all of the other members of The Hive have been thrown to the floor, but Travis Huckabee comes in and pulls Callux away and the Hive walk out.  Taylor and DK shake hands, but Taylor says that DK owes him.  The match between Taylor and DK was excellent before The Hive came out and ruined it, so I would like to see them have the match again sometime down the road.  

This may have been the best episode of the Road yet, as all the matches were incredible, and it ends with a big brawl.  It looks like we may have a big blow off match between Team Limitless and The Hive, which would be really fun and exciting.  We also get Love Doug next week, as he tries to find love and his first win.   

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