Limitless Wrestling's "The Road" Season 3, Episode 11


Traevon Jordan vs Ava Everett

This is the first half of the pick your poison matches.  Davienne has chosen Jordan as Ava’s opponent.  Jordan is half of Waves & Curls, but there is something that Davienne saw in him that made her choose him as Ava’s opponent.    Ava looks very angry after losing to Love, Doug last week. Ava tries to chop Jordan with little effect and goes to the outside.  Jordan chases her to the outside and Ava goes back in the ring and tries a suicide dive, but Jordan catches her.  She tries to throw Jordan into the post with a rana, but Jordan stops early and tosses Ava back in the ring. Ava slaps Jordan in the face and Jordan responds by throwing her in the corner.  He goes on the 2nd rope, but Ava takes out his legs and drops him headfirst into the turnbuckle.  Jordan uses his strength advantage and tosses Ava into the air and just lets her drop to the mat.  Ava slips out of chock slam attempt and hangs on Jordan’s back with a sleeper attempt.  Jordan backs into the turnbuckle and crushes Ava.  The ref checks on Jordan and as his back is turned, Ava drives Jordan into a chair that she had set up in the corner.  She rolls him up and gets some extra leverage by putting her feet on the ropes and gets the cheap win.


BA Tatum vs Blade Bandit

Blade is trying to prove to The Syndicate that he belongs in the group.  BA says that if Blade wins this match, his Limitless debut, he will consider letting him join The Syndicate.  Blade jumps BA from behind to start the match.  They exchange strikes in the ring and roll out of the ring where BA takes over, driving Blade into the post.  BA runs at Blade, but Blade drops BA onto the floor with a side slam.  Blade has control as the match goes back into the ring and gets a 2 count after a back breaker.  Blade locks BA in a Boston Crab, but BA gets to the ropes.  Blade starts arguing with the ref and BA hits him with a clothesline and a spinebuster for near fall.  Blade comes back with an Eat Da Feet on BA and gets a near fall of his own.  Blade goes off the ropes, but BA catches him with a sidewalk slam and Blade ends up in the corner. BA goes for the midnight snack, but Blade gets up his knee up and crotches BA. Blade looks to splash BA in the corner, but BA moves and hits an enziguri for the win.  BA celebrates by taking off his shirt and showing off his chest hair.


Davienne vs The Higher Society, Armani Kayos and Paris Van Dale

This is the other half of the pick you poison matches.  Ava found a loophole in the matchmaking as she was to pick Davienne’s opponent, but it did not say that she only had to choose 1 opponent, so she chose the tag team of The Higher Society.  Davienne opens the match full of energy and hits Paris with a spear.  She goes for an early pin, but Kayos breaks it up.  Higher Society takes control and hits a double split leg drop for a near fall.  They continue to double team Davienne  in the corner and Paris hits a meteora followed by a  bronco buster from Kayos.  Higher Society continue the double team until Davienne stops a double suplex attempt.  Davienne hits some forearms and squashes both members of the Higher Society in the corner before dropping Paris on Kayos.  Paris puts an end to Davienne’s offense by raking her in the eyes followed by split leg drop.  Kayos hits sliced bread on Davienne.   Paris holds Davienne, but Davienne ducks and Kayos slaps Paris.  This creates an opening for Davienne and she hits a double chokeslam on both members of The Higher Society.  Ava comes out to the ring and climbs on the apron.  She tries to hold Davienne, but Davienne moves, and Ava gets a rear end from Kayos. Davienne takes advantage of this and rolls up Kayos for the win.  This infuriates Ava as she runs in the ring and attacks Davienne.  They continue to brawl in the ring until they are torn apart.


Mike Gamble vs Chris Benne

The main event is a hoss fight.  The American Sumo, Mike Gamble, faces off against half of the Apostles of Chaos, Chris Benne.  Gamble gets the early advantage as he drives Benne out of the ring with a shoulder block.  They exchange shots on the outside and Gamble sends Benne into the post, then tosses him back int the ring. Benne goes for a boot, but Gamble catches it and hits a splash on Benne’s back. Benne comes back with a fall away slam, but only gets a 1 count.  Gamble hits a series of palm strikes and goes after Benne in the corner but gets caught w/ an elbow.  Gamble is driven into the post and hit with a lariat to the back of his neck.  Benne drives Gable to the outside via the ring post and stomps him as he comes back in the ring.  Benne hits a clothesline for a near fall and starts working on Gamble’s back.  He starts trash talking Gamble, which gives Gamble time to recoup and hits Benne with a belly to belly suplex for a 2 count.  Gamble tries to get Benne up but cannot and gets caught with a spear.  Benne misses in the corner and then gets caught with an atomic drop from Gamble followed by a running kick for another near fall.  Gamble hits 2 splashes in the corners and then a splash in the middle of the ring.  He then goes to the 2nd rope, but Benne kicks out his feet.  Benne throws Gamble off the 2nd rope with a choke slam, but only has the energy to lay on him and Gamble kicks out.  Benne looks to put Gamble to sleep but Gamble gets to the corner.  Benne goes off the 2nd rope, but Gamble catches him with a Samoan Drop for the win.

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