The Krude Experience - Got The Goods

Got The Goods

Shit. Since this world wide pandemic has started, I never realized how much Krude relies on home delivery for much of my product buying. Every day I come home from work I find a few boxes or bags of stuff on my doorstep. And it's not like I'm a compulsive buyer. There is just no other place to shop for the items I buy with frequency. Who's fault is that? Not sure. But the whole thing stinks. No wonder why the rich get richer, especially if your name is Bezos.

Having 'the goods' is how this wacky world is really run. Whoever has the gold makes the rules. And old statement that rings very true these days. Bullies and greedheads have dominated standard business practices. The feeble and visibly weak are to be eaten alive. Fuck that. I don't do business like that. Never have. Never will

Having the goods on somebody that could land that person in prison is a strange head space to be in. I know this feeling all too well. I'm writing this today while knowing sensitive info on influential people. Loose lips sink ships... Yep.

The internet is mostly a place to shop. For goods. Or case specific porn clips. I'm not sure that shopping makes anybody more happy. I do know that having the basic necessities of life should be enough to build up a wealth of knowledge. And having vast knowledge is way more valuable than an Iphone Deluxe. Or season tickets to the Mets. Or a Bentley. Imagination is everything. Always will be. Mahalo


Free ain't free



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