The Krude Experience - Bad Girl

And now we bring you this special bulletin….

Damn. Here we go again. Krüde starts to write a new blog and something awful has to happen. Rachel Nagy, the lead singer for The Detroit Cobras has passed away. Shit. Double shit

Most of you probably don’t know who Rachel was. That’s ok. The Detroit Cobras were a internationally touring rock and soul band. They specialized in playing semi obscure cover versions of older R+B and soul classics. Rachel’s unique voice held the Cobras together for over 25 years.

Their albums were few and far in between. 4 studio albums. A few single releases and a release of early demos is all they had. The Cobras were more of a live band than a studio band,obviously.

I was lucky enough to see the band play around a dozen times over a 20 period. Kept thinking recently that it had been a while since I went to see them. 2018 was the year. So I follow them on social media just in case they booked a tour in my area. That’s how I found out about Rachel’s death.

I’ve written a few blogs about recently deceased entertainers. This one was certainly the hardest to write. My guess is that her age was close to mine. Damn. I ain’t planning on leaving this crazy rock we call Earth for a while. Rest in power Rachel Nagy. You will be missed…


I’ll keep on holding on,



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