IMPACT Wrestling Rebellion Night One Recap

IMPACT Wrestling "Rebellion" 4-21-20
Available on AXS TV and Twitch
By Dylan Hager

Welcome to Rebellion Night One! No, it's not a ppv, but it's better than nothing!

Show starts with a real nice ppv-caliber video package.

#CoronaSeason means there are no fans in attendance. Josh and Madison are on commentary.

OVE vs Tommy Dreamer, Rhino, and Crazy Steve
Well, Crazy Steve is the surprise partner! I was expecting Raven, Sandman, or Sabu. Wonder if Corona forced IMPACT to change plan? Don't get me wrong though, I'm very happy to see Crazy Steve back! Tommy and Jake Crist start the match. Jake shows off his athleticism against Tommy. All six men tag into the match, with neither team gaining much of an advantage. Finally, OVE starts to work over Dreamer. Rhino tags in and takes it to OVE. Everybody gets involved as chaos breaks out. Fulton threw Steve over the top onto the other wrestlers. Rhino clotheslined Fulton over the top and hit Dave with a Gore for the win. Decent enough match. It definitely would have benefited from a crowd. Certainly not a bad match though. Winners: Tommy Dreamer, Rhino, and Crazy Steve

Josh and Madison run down the rest of tonight's card.

Josh announces that Tessa and Eddie could not travel to Rebellion. Josh interviews Eddie thanks to the internet. Eddie says it was not an easy decision to not travel to Rebellion. He says he'll be back in IMPACT, and he'll be going for the World Title.

We see Crazy Steve backstage. He says he doesn't suffer from insanity, he enjoys it.

Gia Miller backstage with Elgin. Elgin talks about being better than everybody in ROH and New Japan. He says he is in IMPACT to win the World Title, and he is going to be the World Champ that everyone remembers years from now. He calls Tessa and Eddie scared for not showing up.

The Rascalz vs XXXL vs TJP and Fallah Bahh
Quick paced action between TJP and Dez starts the match. Rascalz had all the momentum early. Fallah made the tag, and he and TJP took out the Rascalz. XXL finally made it into the match, and they worked over Bahh. Bahh came back with a big Belly-to-Belly on Larry D for a two count. Interesting that TJP and The Rascalz started off the match, but the match then turned to XXXL vs Fallah. TJP finally made the tag, but it turned into all six men going at it. The Rascalz picked up the win after Dez hit a top rope splash on Larry D. Pretty good match. Kind of slow in the middle, but it really picked up again at the finish. Winners: The Rascalz

Next we got a video from The North. Ethan said Canada is great, and it is great that they are stuck in Canada. Josh says they are going to find the best tag team in Canada and give them a shot at the titles.

Gia Miller is backstage with Willie Mack and Rich Swann. Willie says he is glad Swann is here, but this is supposed to be for the Tag Titles tonight. Swann tells Willie not to worry about the Tag Titles and to focus on the X Division Title tonight. Cool to see Swann back!

X Division Title Match: Ace Austin (c) vs Willie Mack
Ace starts the match off by stalling on the outside. Ace finally gets in the ring, but Willie is all over him. Ace quickly turned it around and started to dominate the challenger. Willie caught Ace in a powerbomb that brought the match to a stalemate. Willie started to build up momentum, but Ace hit The Fold out of nowhere for a two count. Ace went for The Fold again, but Willie countered with a pop-up cutter for two.Willie hit a Coast-to-Coast, but himself in doing so. Willie went up for the frogsplash, but Ace was able to move out of the way. Willie hit a stunner on the top rope (I think? It looked more like Willie fell) and followed up with the frogsplash for the win! New Champ!! Really good match! Ace and Willie are both so good! Winner: Willie Mack

We see Willie and Swann celebrating backstage. Swann says they can still focus on the Tag Titles, and Willie can be a double champ. Swinger comes up. He's still convinced he and Willie are a team. Swinger wants a shot at Willie's X Division Title.

Next we get a video hyping up Kylie vs Kiera.

Kiera Hogan vs Kylie Rae
Kylie quickly went for the STF, but Hogan made it to the ropes. Kylie plays to the fans, and Kiera ask who she is talking to. Funny spot. Hogan caught Kylie coming back into the ring. Kylie made the comeback and hit the Kylie Special for a two count. Hogan came back with a huge kick to the face for a near fall. Hogan went for her Fishermen Suplex, but Kylie countered. Kylie hit a cannonball in the corner for a two count. Hogan hit a superkick and taunted Kylie, but Rae countered into the Smile To the Finish (STF) for the submission win. Really good match. Kylie is going to be great for the Knockouts Division. Winner: Kylie Rae

Josh and Madison preview next weeks card, and we get a hype package for tonight's main event.

Unsanctioned Match: Sami Callihan vs Ken Shamrock
Sami attacked Ken before the bell, and worked over Shamrock on the outside. Shamrock turned the momentum to his favor, and he even hit a dive off the stage onto Sami. They brawled to the back. Sami hid from Shamrock before throwing powder in his eyes. Sami worked over Shamrock with several different weapons. Sami chocked Ken out with a chain.Shamrock found an opening and started raining ground and pound down on Sami. Fulton and the Crist brothers attacked Shamrock from behind. Sami turned on OVE and took them out with a pipe (I think it was a pipe). Sami and Ken say they're going to finish it outside, and they go to the parking lot. Shamrock threw Sami into a truck, but Sami was able to fight back. Shamrock put on the ankle lock, and Sami passed out. Good, fun fight. I really think Sami needed that win after just starting this new "hacker" gimmick. Winner: Ken Shamrock

Good first night of Rebellion. I'm very excited for next week!

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