Sports Betting w/ a Functioning Drunk

Here in the great state of Michigan the gambling gates were opened in late January. With March Madness & MLB regular season fast approaching, I thought it would be an interesting case study to see how a functioning drunk like myself could do gambling. 

Now, i'm not new to betting nor am I new to gambling. In 2006 to 2008 (years may be off, as .. again, my life is lived within the drunken fogs of beer) I paid my rent based on poker winnings on Bodog.

I remember one night very vividly, even though I was drunk as shit, in a game that escalated, I won enough money to pay for six months of rent. My roommates were all screaming, going crazy and telling me to cash out.

I did not. Let's say that night ended less fun than most.

We'll start with $100 in the bank - the goal, obviously, is to never go under that. However, in the middle of a drunken stupor, can I control myself and not make the dumb bet?

We shall see. Join us ... won't you?

The first bet - MLB Spring training. I don't think It's a wise way to go, but here we are, my friends. Here are the picks & wager:

I love parlays. Who doesn't? I mean, I hate them when i'm 4-for-5, but when you hit a fiver there is no better feeling (well a blow job, but I digress). 

Now, let the baseball gods shine their balls upon me.

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