The Krude Experience - All The Young Dudes

All The Young Dudes

Kranky old Krüde is back griping about everything that is wrong with everything. When you have seen it all (me), it’s tough not to be critical about most things. Then when I think about something I was negative about, it hits me that I’m an old fuck. And most people who cruise the internet ain’t. So be it. Opinions are like assholes. Some dirtier than others. And some shaped better than others. But mine is mine. So all you young whipper snappers take notice. I’m taking no prisoners. Eat my dust motherfuckers

I often float the word millennials when describing the dopey actions of an age related  era. Millennials are often the butt of my jokes. I blame cpu issues on them. I blame bad network television on them. I blame avocado toast on them. Why not? Somebody has to be the asshole

New Jersey drivers are a fucking nightmare to deal with. And I’ve lived in NJ most of my life. The roads here are littered with uncoordinated twits driving pricey late model cars. Driving your fat assed SUV in the center lane of the NJ Turnpike while barely cracking 55 MPH in a 65MPH zone isn’t being ‘safe’. It’s called being a fuck head. Get a clue. And stay home. Forever

Where are all the great new rock bands to take over for the old rock bands? Did people just stop learning how to play an instrument over the past twenty years? When shitty rip off bands like Greta Van Fleet are the only newish band that actually gets noticed, we’re doomed. Need some 18 year olds to start assembling their bands NOW. By the time they are legal to drink booze, their band chops will be sharp. Play rock music more often. Don’t listen to shitheads who say rock is dead. Pop music is alive. And it’s mostly crap. And don’t get me started on modern country music…..

All the young dudes Carry the news…

Bowie wrote it. Mott the Hoople performed it. An old classic. Like me. Mahalo

Get off my lawn!




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