Indie Wrestling Wire: One Million Blocks & We Get Our Revenge!

If you have kids you've probably stepped on a lego or two - and in those moments you've probably said words that will get you in trouble with your church unless you are a godless maniac like myself.

But you screamed at the top of your lungs and wanted someone to pay for the pain you are feeling; yet you can't dole out that revenge on your child, right? 

So you lay there on the floor crying, maybe even slamming a bottle of rum regardless of time or responsibilities because we mask our pain with booze and make our best and worst decisions on said booze.

But what If I told you that there's a new way to get your revenge? Well, boy howdy, do I have an alternative:

What is that, exactly? Let me let them tell you:

Born in 2005 - Inter Species Wrestling is a professional wrestling group based out of Canada and the United States. Thinking outside the box and running shows that are quite different from the wrestling shows you’re used to – we fancy ourselves as “wrestling for people who don’t like wrestling.” 

 ... read more from their Kickstarter

Basically, this is the long story summarized: They want to promote a death match (wrestling terminology for: bad idea jeans) with the most "brightly colored blocks) in the history of professional wrestling: ONE MILLION.

They are slowly getting close to the goal - now is the time to jump in with your $MJF riches and help us gain that revenge we've long dreamed upon on our insolent children. 

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